Project DIVIDE

Project DIVIDE is a newer concept in independent Rock music.
Forming with an understanding of how vastly the music industry has changed, Project DIVIDE isn't your typical independent rock band. Rather than book show after show to sell CD's, Project DIVIDE has chosen to perform to a different audience...the internet.
Thanks to the many free social media tools available to musicians today, such as twitter and youtube, It’s easy for a music project to come to fruition in the virtual realm and gain relevance to music fans around the globe! Project DIVIDE have chosen to follow the marketing examples of pioneers such as Jack Conte, Brett Domino, and Project R&L, by creating great music for the virtual world through great songwriting displayed in a creative manner on youtube, and connecting with the audience via social media tools.
At the core of Project DIVIDE are only two permanent members, Josh Zeise and Brandon S. Hire. Using state of the art recording equipment, and rich multimedia content to help engage fans, the band aims to show that in the new music industry, the band is back in control. Project DIVIDE plans to do everything as an independent entity, and is not seeking the help of a record label. The band aims to retain complete control of it's music in every way, which will allow for experimentation and growth, and none of the red tape that comes with a recording contract.
Rather than focus on full length albums of 8-12 songs, Project DIVIDE instead chooses to release 4 song EP's. Each EP will represent a certain artistic approach to the record making process, and will allow the band to avoid "filler material". There's no room for filler when you've only got 4 songs on each release, and the challenge quickly becomes making sure each song is the right one for the EP currently in production. But each EP will be different than the one preceeding it, allowing Project DIVIDE to experiment and push their own limits to create an EP that is truly unique without getting stale or labeled as having a certain "sound".
So stay tuned as Project DIVIDE embarks on this journey. Listen to music, and get in touch with the band via the social networking icons at the bottom of every page. Engage, interact, and be a part of the experience!